WeldingStop (W.S) always encourage buyer to get shipping insurance for their packages since international shipping is different from national shipping.
Although W.S is responsible to arrange the shipping , package eventually would be handled by post services or third party shipping agent.
Without insurance W.S can only help you get shipping cost back as shipping agent confirmed lost after investigation, which is international post policies. It may take up to 180days.
The package shipped with insurance over the estimated time 30 days no updated for trackable post shipping or 7 days for no updated for business expedited shipping, W.S will offer you full reufund or free resending, and the lated delivery package will also be free charge. W.S will handle all the rest document will shipping agent, which is hustle free for buyers.
Unavoidable government action caused packge on hold and buyer uncooperation will NOT covered by the insurances.